Current clinic Locations In SoCal

Westlake Village - Shadow Hills - Ojai - Irvine

Current out of state
Clinic Locations:

Bellingham, Washington State
Gaithersburg, Maryland

Working Equitation Clinics

  • Dressage

    Whether you are new to the sport or want to improve your scores for your test, Fred will work closely with you to establish tact and purpose through the movements, ~45 minutes.

  • Ease of Handling

    Introduce your horse with confidence to the obstacles in groups of 2-4, time depending on how many in each group. Learn how to influence, to ask, and to lead your horse to the obstacles in a organized, natural and fluent manner.

  • One on One

    Schedule allowing, Fred can work one on one with riders in Dressage and/or Ease of Handling on the day before or after the clinic, privately.